Dear friends and supporters of WJI 2030,

Happy International Women’s Day.

On International Women’s Day, we celebrate women and girls everywhere.

The Gender Snapshot Report 2022 , launched by UN Women and the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA), highlights that at the current pace of progress, SDG 5—achieving gender equality—will not be met by 2030. Despite progress in reforming laws, closing gaps in legal protections and removing discriminatory laws could take up to 286 years based on the current rate of change.

Global challenges, such as the COVID-19 pandemic and its aftermath, violent conflict, climate change, and the backlash against women’s sexual and reproductive health and rights are further exacerbating gender disparities. Women’s representation in positions of power and decision-making remains below parity.

Nearly half way to the 2030 endpoint for the SDGs, the time to act and invest in women and girls is now. The case for supporting women’s empowerment is particularly strong in the jewellery industry. Women drive demand for a vast majority of the world’s jewellery. Furthermore, in the rapidly growing consumer movement, Millennial and now Gen Z women and girls are driving consumer decisions toward products and companies that act consciously and protect their supply chains.

The WJI 2030 is committed to accelerate SDG 5. The climate crisis is not “gender neutral”. Women and girls experience the greatest impacts of climate change, which amplifies existing gender inequalities and poses unique threats to their livelihoods, health, and safety. Across the world women depend more on, yet have less access to, natural resources. Implementing our 3 pillars on climate action, biodiversity, and inclusiveness is essential to the rights of women and girls.

We are proud of our partnership with UN Women on accelerating the Women’s Empowerment Principles Framework and piloting their gender responsive procurement tool with Monica Vinader, Swarovski, Gucci, Italpreziosi, Rosy Blue, Dimexon, Cartier, Rubel & Menasché, and Julie Sandlau.

We are calling on our industry leaders and stakeholders to join forces and accelerate efforts to make gender equality a reality for all.  We hope you will enjoy the  gender perspective from Susan Jacques (CEO and President, GIA), Cristina Villegas (Director Sustainable Markets PACT), Stefanie Cohen (Head of Sustainability, Swarovski), Eva von Alvensleben (Executive Director and Secretary General, The Fashion Pact).

We thank UN Women for their valuable input to WJI 2030 in sharing practical tools to help companies operationalize the gender agenda. We know that the origins of these challenges are structural and centuries old. Therefore, we need approaches and solutions that are systemic to achieve comprehensive and long-term results, leading to both structural, and cultural transformations.

This is our call for action, join the WEPs.

Marie-Claire Daveu,
Chief Sustainability Officer and Head of International Institutional Affairs of Kering

Cyrille Vigneron,
President & CEO Cartier International

Iris Van der Veken,
Executive Director & Secretary General Watch & Jewellery Initiative 2030